Nauka języka hiszpańskiego w Galicii, Hiszpania

hiszpański znaleziono 1 szkołę językową
Na kursie językowym za granicą...
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Szkoła | Lokalizacja, kursy, opis | |
Escuela Paralaia |
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Lokalizacja: La Coruna
Paralaia jest niewielką szkołą, prowadzoną przez specjalistów. Stosujemy komunikatywne metody nauczania i oferujemy kursy hiszpańskiego w Hiszpanii wychodzące...} [więcej]
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szkoła wakacyjna
wakacyjne dla dorosłych
całoroczne dla dorosłych ![]()
przygotowujące do egzaminów
Galicia, Hiszpania
Galicia is located in the far North West corner of Spain, basking in the Cantabrian sea and the Atlantic Ocean.Galicia is one of the country's greenest, loveliest and most unusual regions. It boasts one of the longest and most unspoilt Spanish coastlines, offering some of the finest seafood in Europe.
Galicia's history dates back to ancient times. Middle Ages were marked by the discovery of the tomb of the Apostle Santiago (Saint James). Thousands of pilgrims made their way to the cathedral of the newly founded town Santiago de Compostela which became one of the three holy cities of Christianity (togther with Jerusalem and Rome). Today the city, considered by Unesco a World Heritage Site is the final destination of probably the world's best known walk – the legendary Santiago Way (Camino de Santiago) which is flanked with numerous churches, monasteries and chapels of high historical-artistical value.
Galician people are proud to speak their own language – Galego. They safeguard their ancient culture and heritage which binds them more closely in many ways to their fellow Celtic 'nations' such as Ireland or Cornwall than to neighbouring Spanish regions.