Nauka języka hiszpańskiego na Balearach, Hiszpania

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Szkoła | Lokalizacja, kursy, opis | |
Die Akademie |
Lokalizacja: Palma de Mallorca
Nasza metoda nauczania języka hiszpańskiego.
W oparciu o metodę Suggestopedia, znaną także jako "Supernauczanie”, Die Akademie opracowała program kursów...
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Baleary, Hiszpania
Balearic Islands is an archipelago composed of 5 islands and several islets situated in the western Mediterranean Sea, near the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula. The islands can be further grouped, with Majorca, Menorca, Cabrera and some nearby islets as the Gymnesian Islands (in the North), and Ibiza, Formentera and the various isletes that surround them as the Pine Islands ( in the South-West). The capital of the Balearic Islands is Palma and the co-official languages are Catalan and Spanish.Each island has a strong character of its own, and differs from the other, but all share the excellent climate with some 300 days of sun per year, wonderful beaches and a rich cultural offer. All this, together with the unusual hospitality of their inhabitants make Balearic Islands one of the preferred holiday destinations in Spain.